Follow these ten quick tips for working with a copywriter to save time and get more out of your investment. Launching a new software update? Introducing a new chatbot? If you promote any products or services online, it’s likely you’ll work with a freelance copywriter. How to work with a copywriter 1 - Hire a copywriter you trust You'll be sharing information about your products, offers in development, suppliers, prospects, and customers. You may also be giving your writer access to past … [Read More...]

Spam-Proof Your %**!!#% Email
Let’s talk about email headlines. How are yours working for you? Do you have open rates that make other marketers crazed with envy, or are your messages automatically moving to the internet underworld that is Spam. If you're using certain trigger words, too much punctuation, or too many caps, get ready to see every online Cerberus in existence send your posts into email oblivion. (In case you forgot, Cerberus was the 3-headed dog that guarded Hades by the river Styx - … [Read More...]

7 Deadly Headline Sins Every Copywriter Must Avoid
I stuck close to the elbow of my guide. Claude, an eminent copywriter in his past life, had been assigned to lead me to the perfect headline, and I was in no shape to venture out on my own. We’d been trudging through the basement all morning. The damp passageways were littered with the remains of multi-level marketers. Fake twitter profiles hung on the walls as we passed cages inhabited by timeshare representatives. They were bound together, trapped in an eternal sales … [Read More...]