Let’s talk about email headlines. How are yours working for you?
Do you have open rates that make other marketers crazed with envy, or are your messages automatically moving to the internet underworld that is Spam.
If you’re using certain trigger words, too much punctuation, or too many caps, get ready to see every online Cerberus in existence send your posts into email oblivion.
(In case you forgot, Cerberus was the 3-headed dog that guarded Hades by the river Styx – unless you’re at the opera and he’s a would-be seducer in a fluffy grey onesie).
Here are just a few of the trigger words and phrases to avoid if you don’t want to be flagged or filtered:
- For you
- Buy it now
- Call Now
- Being a member
- Do it today
- Free access
287 Spam Triggers to Avoid & Get Your Emails Past the Gatekeepers
And here are some free online testers that will check your email for you automatically. Take a look …
GlockApps offers comprehensive spam testing. It helps you:
- Get your email into the best part of the inbox
- Spot the content you need to scrap
- And keep an eye on your reputation
You’ll know which major email services are blocking you and which Google tab you’ll land in.

Each report gives a detailed breakdown of:
- Sender Authentication – Find out if your message passes DKIM (validates the domain name associated with email sender) and SPF authentication (makes sure the IP addresses sending are authorized by the domain)
- Sender Score
- Black Lists
- Google Spam Filter
- Barracuda Spam Filter
- A score for Apache’s SpamAssassin, a popular open-source filter used all over the world … for more tips about how legit senders can get emails through, visit SpamAssassin here
Then it shows delivery results for 51 individual international email addresses, sorted by email service (Mine was completely slammed by everything Microsoft – even though it was successful elsewhere!).
Glock Apps allows you to test 3 emails completely free of charge. To get the reports, just copy and paste the code from this page into your email platform’s test sender. You’ll immediately see detailed results as they arrive in your free account dashboard.
Even more importantly, you’ll know which important issues to fix before you send your email … so you don’t lose valuable sales and relationships with leads and customers.
Litmus has a full suite of email success services at premium prices. This may be what you need if you have the right business. However, they also offer the opportunity to use beta versions of new services for free. Want to check out which tab your email falls into on Gmail? Test your headline here.
Mail Tester
Mail-tester.com was made by the guys from MailPoet and AcyMailing. They wanted a cheap, simple, and efficient way to test their own newsletters against spam filters. So they designed one. And thankfully, they are sharing their tool with the rest of the world for free.
Mail Tester provides a simple score based on an email you submit through your regular email service:
- First, send your test email to the address given on their email testing home page.
- Second, after you send the email, return to the home page and click the blue button that says, “Then check your score.”
Under your score, you will have access to all kinds of helpful information. You will be able to:
- View your message
- Find out whether or not Spam Assassin likes you and why
- Confirm that the server you are sending from is authenticated
- Get specific data about the body content of your message
- Find out if your server is being blacklisted (and know who is cutting you off)
- Identify any broken links
ISnotSPAM works much like Mail Tester. This free service allows you to send an email to a specified address and receive a report that provides results for these following tests:
- SPF Check
- Sender-ID
- Check
- DomainKeys Check
- DKIM Check
- SpamAssassin Check
MX Toolbox
Are your emails getting blocked because your mail server is blacklisted? You can test your server’s domain or IP address for free at MxToolbox. They’ll give you results for over 100 DNS based email blacklists.
Mailing Check
MailingCheck offers free downloadable spam check software you can install and use with Windows operating systems. Free features include:
- Free Email content spam checker
- Free Email spam rate points result
- SpamAssassin engine
- Free Email spam cleaning suggestions
- Razor Engine rules included
- SURBL blacklists included
- Can check emails for spam rates before sending
- Free download
to get to your prospects.