Listen to “Lead Generation Unleashed” on Spreaker.
How can you generate more leads for your business with mobile technology?
Join me for Episode 5 of Lead Generation Unleashed
- What if it were easy for your prospects to connect with you on mobile?
- Why do some radio advertisers succeed and others fail?
- Discover why common marketing strategies give your competitors MORE influence – and what to do instead
Dave Robinett is here to tell us all about how to GROW your business with mobile.
Dave is the Chief Marketing Officer and founder of #250. He got his start in the management consulting world in the early nineties and eventually found his passion in telecom. During 18 years with Sprint in marketing research, he learned this fundamental insight: You cannot make consumers jump through hoops to do business with you. And he’s a son of the Ozarks from Springfield, Missouri.
Join me to get his insights on what’s working
now in this episode of Lead Generation Unleashed, a program where we explore
what’s working now to help you attract more LEADS, trigger RESPONSE, and ignite
SALES for your business.
Hit the play button and join us now!
“You cannot make consumers jump through hoops to do business with you.” - Dave Robinett Click To TweetWhat You’ll Hear About:
- Where digital marketing fails to deliver – and why ultra-specific targeting is not always the answer (2:19)
- Why more businesses can benefit from balancing digital and broadcast strategies (2:47)
- How Google’s SERPS work AGAINST you and the solution that puts your link directly in the pocket of your caller – there’s no way they can forget to visit it! (7:40)
- The two criteria you must have for a winning offer (6:03)
- Why radio advertising has suffered and why that’s changing now (10:10)
- How the right direct response ad triggers dormant needs and boosts sales (15:15)
- The first question you need to ask before you advertise on radio and the 2 essential factors you need to get the phone calls you want (18:58)
“... there are things that marketers love to track. There are things they want to do. There are big pain points. But if they don't look beyond those, they could actually be losing money for their companies.” - Dave Robinett Click To Tweet
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
- Remember to visit to learn all about how you can connect with more of your listeners on radio now OR dial #250 now and say, “Get more calls.”
- Visit
- Request your free copywriter’s Million Dollar Scorecard at OR dial #250 now and say “Copy Done Right”
Thank you for tuning in today!